Why Telefónica Germany and AY YILDIZ trust Alphacomm

Why Telefónica Germany and AY YILDIZ trust Alphacomm

June 8, 2022
Why Telefónica Germany and AY YILDIZ trust Alphacomm

Why does one of the most popular telcos in Germany trust Alphacomm? We asked Thorsten Wagner, director of Telefónica Germany and CEO of AY YILDIZ to share his thoughts on the successful partnership.


AY YILDIZ has been offering prepaid and postpaid customers attractive and affordable deals for telephony and data usage for two decades in Germany and also in Turkey. AY YILDIZ is a brand of Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG.

We have benefited significantly from the experience Alphacomm has gained from working with other mobile phone companies.

What was the business problem you were trying to solve?

Consumers' expectations of being able to run daily errands at any time, regardless of business opening hours, are growing as digital possibilities expand. This also applies to the customers of AY YILDIZ, our mobile phone brand for the German-Turkish community in Germany. That's why we decided to provide our customers with a digital alternative that allows them to pay for the prepaid credit top-up via the Alphacomm service on our AY YILDIZ website using PayPal, Klarna or credit card.

Why did you decide to choose to partner up with Alphacomm to resolve this problem?

Alphacomm is a long-time partner of Telefónica. In this specific problem, the successful implementation with one of Telefónica's subsidiaries convinced us. We could tell right from the start that our requirements were understood and that the partner had everything at our disposal to provide us with the right solutions. The possibility of setting up an additional credit top-up process for our AY YILDIZ customers via a WhatsApp bot also spoke for Alphacomm.

We decided to provide our customers with a digital alternative that allows them to pay for the prepaid credit top-up via the Alphacomm service on our AY YILDIZ website using PayPal, Klarna or credit card.

What does offering top-up via Alphacomm mean in terms of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and churn?

An important factor for a high level of customer satisfaction among our AY YILDIZ customers is to anticipate their wishes and trends at an early stage and to offer appropriate solutions or services. Being able to top up prepaid credit quickly and easily at any time from home or on the go contributes to the satisfaction of AY YILDIZ customers. And satisfied customers remain loyal to their brand.

How would you describe the overall onboarding process with Alphacomm from start to finish?

From the very beginning, there was a highly professional working atmosphere focused on the results. Alphacomm has actively and competently supported us in the entire process of setting up this new charging solution for our AY YILDIZ customers. We have benefited significantly from the experience Alphacomm has gained from working with other mobile phone companies.

Is there anything that didn't go as planned, and did Alphacomm correct this to your satisfaction?

There are challenges in every project. Our introduction of the new prepaid top-up options was not an exception. But especially in the case of challenges, it shows whether and how well a partnership works. Alphacomm was always at our side with assistance and advice and always contributed its expertise in a solution-oriented manner. As a result, we were able to avoid delays in the implementation and successfully design and start the solution in the spirit of our AY YILDIZ customers.

For more information regarding Alphacomm’s Checkmaxx solution for Digital Goods and how it can transform your business, feel free to get in touch with our revenue ambassadors or request a demo. Our experts are always open to listen and advise on how to solve today’s payment-related challenges.

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