Protectmaxx: improvements for a safer experience

Protectmaxx: improvements for a safer experience

June 11, 2024
Protectmaxx: improvements for a safer experience

New product updates have been released for Protectmaxx. Read on to discover how our in-house device ID enhancement, CI/CD integration, and chargeback automation will make fraud prevention easier for you!

Device ID enhancement

One of the key improvements in this update is our Device ID solution, designed to collect comprehensive information about the customer's device, network, and location.

How does it work?

The Device ID solution gathers detailed information about the customer's device, including the type, operating system, and browser. Furthermore, information on the network data such as IP address, ISP, and connection type, enables us to detect suspicious activities and block fraudulent transactions before they happen. Tracking the user's geographical location allows us to spot discrepancies that may indicate fraud, such as transactions initiated from unexpected regions.

Our Device ID solution is developed in-house, allowing us to tailor it precisely to our needs and market demands. We continually update and refine our technology and by integrating these advanced data points, Protectmaxx can offer a more frictionless flow for genuine users while keeping fraud levels low.

Learn more about this topic: Protectmaxx: 3DS2.2 compatibility and mobile wallet support

CI/CD for more efficiency

We are committed to always keeping our solution up-to-date, responsive to our partners' needs, and increasingly reliable. That’s why we adopted CI/CD practices.

What is CI/CD?

The ‘’CI’’ refers to continuous integration. To put it in simple terms, it’s a set of practices that developers perform while they are writing the code. It involves developers making frequent, small changes to their code, which are then automatically tested and integrated into a shared repository. It’s an important set of practices because it establishes a consistent integration process to streamline code changes. This way, if automatic testing finds that the new code clashes with the existing one, our developers can fix the bugs early in the cycle, also reducing the overall build costs.

Continuous Delivery and/or Deployment (CD) is the next step to CI, and refers to a set of practices performed after the code has been written. Continuous Delivery automates the process even further to deliver the completed code to environments like testing and development. Continuous Deployment is the next step and automates the release of our developer’s changes from the shared repository to actual production.

So CI/CD helps lower complexity, boost efficiency, and streamline the continuous cycle of software development. This means less worries for you!

Figure 1: Example of CI/CD flow

Automating chargeback management

We know chargebacks can be a tricky business, especially if we consider that 34% of chargebacks are caused by fraud. That’s why as part of our ongoing efforts to optimize fraud prevention and streamline operations, we started a new collaboration with Justt focused on chargeback automation.

Learn more about this topic: Exploring chargeback protection

This partnership, which enables us to integrate a fully automated and customized chargeback solution into our existing setup, simplifies the whole process. By reducing manual efforts and costs, our clients can focus on their core business with peace of mind. We have your (charge)back!

About Protectmaxx

Protectmaxx is an advanced anti-fraud solution tailored for sellers of high-risk digital goods. It is a self-adapting API that leverages supervised Machine Learning to apply the most cost-effective anti-fraud measures on a per-transaction basis, eliminating deceptive payments, and offering an acceptance rate of up to 98%. Do you think Protectmaxx could be the right anti-fraud solution for your business? Contact us to learn more.

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